Doorstep Digital had the privilege of preserving all of the awards that the Taste of Texas has won over the past 37 years. The vision of the restaurant owners was to have their walls tidied up and showcase their awards. The walls were beginning to look a little cluttered with all of the awards. Nice problem to have!
How did Doorstep Digital approach this photo scanning project?
1) measure all the awards
2) give client competitive estimate of cost to come scan these awards “on-site” rather than have them take awards “off-site” to local printing company.
3) Come on-site with our mobile scanning unit, set up scanners and scan.
4) The awards were odd shapes and odd sizes, so the scanning of approx 200 awards took all day long with 3 Digital Archivists.
5) Remove the frames delicately…one at a time.
6) Scan each matted award with our photo scanning equipment
7) Place the matted awards in boxes for storage. Picture frames…no longer used any more…take up too much wall space.
8) Create video of these awards to display on new television at entry of restaurant. Video coming soon!