Seattle Vintage Photos to digital in Capitol Hill Neighborhood

About Project
Seattle Vintage Photos to Digital in Capitol Hill Neighborhood
With 2020 fast approaching we are well into the “digital” age, however many of us still have years, even decades worth of photos, slides, videos and negatives sitting in albums and boxes. We recently had the privilege of traveling to the Capitol Hill area of Seattle to assist the Taft family with the preservation of their family photos. Our client, like most of us today, recognized the importance of converting these photos to digital. With a vast collection of historical family photos, many of which go back quite some time and have been in the family through generations, the safety of these photos was of the utmost importance to our client. The Taft family’s collection included photo albums, vintage black and white photos, medium format negatives and slides from multiple family members.
Doorstep Digital is unique because we come to you. Our client, understandably, was not comfortable sending his priceless collection away in the mail to be digitized. Fortunately we were able to help him in a way that was convenient for him and kept his precious photos in the privacy and safety of his home. In this case we set up an on-site working area in the client’s home to complete the process of converting his photos to digital.
Video Transcript
Seattle Vintage Photos to Digital in Capitol Hill Neighborhood
We’re delight to be here with the Taft family helping them with their beautiful priceless family collection and we wanted to walk you through this project we’re here in Capitol Hill area beautiful area of Seattle.
I’ve been thinking about this a long time it’s families photos some which go back quite some time and have been in the family a long time in albums or just loose all sorts of media their slides there’s negative there’s large photos there’s tiny little photos there’s Polaroids there’s just a lot of different media that were working with I was very uncomfortable sending it away in with a box companies I contacted a number of them and they had very specific ways that they wanted to be able to work with this media and I wasn’t really comfortable in sending that away and as well spending all the time trying to organize it in a way that was convenient for them rather than a way that was convenient to us so that’s why I looked you up and found out gosh you couldn’t actually come into my home and utilize equipment in my home and scan it in the privacy and the safety of my home so that made a lot of sense to me.
Thank you for your trust in our team to come and your hospitality in your home and to take care of your collection in a secure way.
I was very uncomfortable sending it away in with a box companies that I contacted a number of them and they had very specific ways that they wanted to be able to work in this media and I wasn’t really comfortable in sending that away and the slides there’s negative there’s large photos there’s tiny little photos there’s Polaroids there’s just a lot of different media trying to organize it in a way that was convenient for them rather than a new way that was convenient for us so that’s why I looked you up and found out gosh you can actually come into my home and utilize equipment in my home and scan it in the privacy and the safety of my home so that made a lot of sense to me.