by JackPerry | Jul 4, 2019 | Photo Scanning, Seattle Digital Archiving
Seattle Vintage Photos to digital in Capitol Hill Neighborhood About Project Seattle Vintage Photos to Digital in Capitol Hill Neighborhood With 2020 fast approaching we are well into the “digital” age, however many of us still have years, even decades worth of...
by JackPerry | Jul 2, 2019 | Community Causes, Photo Scanning, Seattle Digital Archiving
Seattle photo albums and 8mm film to digital in Queen Anne Neighborhood About Project Photo Albums and 8mm Film to Digital When Margie Wetherald decided to digitize and organize her family’s photos, she knew transporting the collection would not be an option. With an...
by JackPerry | Dec 2, 2018 | Photo Scanning, Seattle Digital Archiving
The Art of Restoring Seattle Photos – Keeping Memories Alive One of the biggest benefits of digitizing your photographs, is the opportunity to restore the damaged and worn ones in your collection. Photographs can become damaged for a number of reasons; UV exposure,...
by JackPerry | Feb 20, 2017 | Photo Scanning, Seattle Digital Archiving
Why is it important to care about the history of where you live, or where you come from? Why does Doorstep Digital place so much emphasis on the significance of preserving your memories through scanning technology? Well, there are endless reasons why we should hold...
by JackPerry | Feb 7, 2017 | Photo Scanning, Seattle Digital Archiving
By Fumi Hata It doesn’t take long for someone new in Seattle to notice that the city loves its own story. From exploring downtown the first few times, I noticed many places that had kept old photographs of what Seattle looked like a few decades ago. Just crossing the...