Photos and Videos Everywhere! How to Get Them All Organized

Your phone is full, somewhere on your laptop you have thousands of pictures, your old video camera still has action footage of your kid’s 2011 soccer game, and you think you uploaded some pictures to Google Photos last summer. Or was that Amazon? You’re good at taking pictures, but what happens when you want to look at them?
Doorstep Digital offers a variety of services to give you the pleasure of accessing your photos and videos from any device at any time.
- Back up all your photos and videos to multiple secure locations
- De-duplicate all your pictures
- Have a digital organization of photos system that makes it quick and easy to find the pictures and videos you want to see
- Use photo organizing software to maintain and update your collection for years to come.
Never run out of storage space!

Your pictures and videos: They’re all in here. Somewhere. Let’s get them organized!
Are you saying to yourself, “I want to organize my kids’ photos” and “I want to organize my family videos”? This stuff won’t organize itself! Call Doorstep Digital at 800-406-4650 or email today to learn more about organizing your digital chaos.
Ann Van Wagener, a resident of Houston’s Heights neighborhood, wanted to enjoy and share decades of pictures and videos she had accumulated, including her mother’s old Super 8 films. But Ann didn’t have an easy way to find and view all her memories.
Here are Ann and Jack explaining the Doorstep Digital solution to Ann’s problem.
Doorstep Digital serves the Austin, Houston, San Antonio
and Dallas/Ft. Worth areas in Texas,
plus Seattle, Denver, Chicago and other American cities.