Everyday history makers through photo scanning

Everyday history makers through photo scanning

Everyday History Makers by Carol Lyon What people come to mind when someone says the phrase “history maker?” George Washington? Harriet Tudman? Madame Curry? Mahatma Ghandi? Martin Luther King, Jr.? Usually, when people use the term “history maker,” they are referring...

Ideal Scanners for Digital Photo Archiving

By Carol Lyon (Digital Archivist with Doorstep Digital) In order to digitally archive photos, film, negatives, slides and documents, a computer and a scanner are imperative, but not all scanners are created equal. There are several different types of scanners,...
What is a “Memory” Anyway?

What is a “Memory” Anyway?

Doorstep Digital has the fantastic privilege of working with professional organizers from all over the USA.  One of our favorites in the Chicago area is Mission 2 Organize.  They have been kind enough to write a guest blog article for us on how to keep your photo...
Alamo Heights History – Then and Now 2015

Alamo Heights History – Then and Now 2015

Alamo Heights is one of Doorstep Digital’s favorite neighborhoods in Texas.   We love it’s neat history and current charm!  Doorstep Digital finds itself in Alamo Heights area quite often these days working for families preserving their history through...

Doorstep Digital Instagram Vintage Photos

Doorstep Digital Instagram Vintage Photos Doorstep Digital has recently started an Instagram account to document some of the amazing vintage photos that we scan for our clients in the Houston area as well as the other cities we serve — Austin, Dallas, San...