Territory Opportunities
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What is the most interesting legacy project you’ve done for a Doorstep Digital client?
Over Christmas 2017, I was able to help a Dallas area client assemble her photos into albums that she gave as Christmas presents. That was a fun project that I helped work on with her over several months. She really appreciated having my guidance and help to make a nice photo album for her family!

Comments or questions are welcome.
How do you like the work/life balance that Doorstep Digital offers for you and your family as a mother?
I love that it’s so flexible. I can take 15 minutes, run and do a conference call with Jack and a client while my husband entertains the kids, gain a new photos to digital client, then go make dinner for my family. Working around my kids and families schedule and still serving our digital archiving clients. I can do a conference call all while my three year old sings. 🙂

What’s included in the investment?
Research of areas of interest to you
Site selection and lease negotiations on your behalf
One week training program with ongoing business coaching and support
Superior SEO, Marketing, Multimedia marketing techniques
Assistance in business setup, finding employees and starting marketing initiatives
Does Doorstep Digital offer financing?
Once you submit your application and are accepted as a Doorstep Digital franchisee, you may be eligible for financing. We have been able to maintain great relationships with several third party finance companies that make it easy to get into business. These companies have evaluated our business model, past performance history and they believe in our concept. They know we bring quality people who have the ability and determination to run a successful business. While there are many advantages to our financing program, you are certainly entitled to select any independent financing program which best suits your needs. Regardless of what financing options are available our first concern is to help you research DD and to see if our business is right for you or not. Once you decide that DD is right for you, we will then assist you in obtaining the best financing option available.