Five Ideas for Getting More Organized in 2019

The new year is off and running. We make resolutions about everything, from eating better to getting more sleep, but what about all our STUFF?
Here are five ideas to help you get organized and get rid of the excess stuff in your life.
1. Get to know Marie Kondo.

Marie is author of several books on organizing, including The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up: The Japanese Art of Decluttering and Organizing. She is also the star of the series “Tidying Up” on Netflix. Marie approaches household organizing in five stages:
- Clothing
- Books
- Papers
- All the miscellaneous stuff in your kitchen, bathrooms and garage
- Sentimental Items
Give Marie your attention, then start applying her lessons to your world.
2. Get CLEAR.

How much of your stuff is stored inside boxes and containers that aren’t labeled, and that you can’t see into? If you can’t tell what’s in there, you’ll probably let it sit for years, and you’ll pile more stuff on top of it. Switch from cardboard to clear bags and storage boxes. Chances are you’ll get rid of unnecessary items faster when you can see through their containers.
3. Attack Paper.

File it, scan it, or shred it. Get a good filing cabinet or clear plastic file boxes. File only what you think you’ll need to use in the future. Save space by scanning seldom-used documents into PDF format, then storing your digital files in multiple locations. Discard documents you’ll never need again. If you have papers bearing personal information, shred them with your own personal shredder or take them to an office supply store that offers shredding by the pound.
Shred your old tax returns. The IRS requires you to keep most documents only three years after the date of filing. Keep records related to real estate up to seven years after disposing of the property.
Consider paperless options with companies that send you monthly bills or statements, such as your utilities, credit cards and banks. Everything is accessible online, and it’s faster than waiting for the mail to arrive.
Think about switching to digital-only subscriptions to your favorite newspapers and magazines. Get rid of all your old issues if publications provide access to digital archives.
4. Take a picture of it, then toss it!

Those oversized items you just can’t seem to part with? How about taking some photos and throwing the prized project in the dumpster? You’ll always have a clear memory of your young artist’s or scientist’s invention, stored and backed up in your digital archives.
5. Embrace digital preservation like Margie did!
Play above video to learn of her family digital preservation project – Photo Albums, 8mm Film, Tapes, Photos to Digital in Seattle summer 2018

Doorstep Digital knows the amount of stuff you’ve accumulated can be overwhelming. Let us help you de-clutter your life and save your yesterday for tomorrow.