Doorstep Digital Instagram Vintage Photos
Doorstep Digital has recently started an Instagram account to document some of the amazing vintage photos that we scan for our clients in the Houston area as well as the other cities we serve — Austin, Dallas, San Antonio, Chicago, Denver, Seattle. As digital archivists, we have the opportunity to listen to many exciting family stories. Follow us on Instagram @doorstepdigital or share your vintage photos with us today!
Here are a couple of very cute stories behind a couple photos we archived for a couple of different Houston families.
This photo shows a young Jewish woman on her voyage from Poland to the United States. She was on board the M.S. Batory for 10 days in May, 1938. Once in America, this young lady moved to Oklahoma, got married and had 3 children. She passed away in 2002.
This family portrait was taken in 1962 in San Francisco. This family moved to San Francisco in 1953 when the young father accepted a position as a university professor. The couple went on to have 8 children and now have 19 grandchildren. They still live in the same house that this picture was taken in!
These vintage Instagram photos are released on instagram only with the permission of our clients. The privacy of our clients photos is very important to us.