Whether it’s a new baby, a new pet, a celebration or a spontaneous event, the first thing people do is reach for their camera to capture the moment. Over the years expensive albums fill cabinets, or photographs sit in boxes gathering dust. Finding a particular picture or video might require hours of searching. Not to mention that a fire, a flood or a natural disaster can ruin years of memories.
With Mothers Day coming up, give Mom a unique gift. Give her the gift of digital spring cleaning with Doorstep Digital. Doorstep Digital comes to Mom’s home, scans photos, scans certificates, scans newspaper clippings, scans anything and everything worth preserving for the future.
The process is simple. Doorstep Digital Scanning Services has multiple scanning units and come to the client’s home or business to do the scanning. Priceless images never leave the site. The mobile unit scans photos and puts them on CDs or USB thumb drives, if videos need scanning, they are saved on DVDs or Blu-Ray Discs. In addition, everything that has been scanned is stored in the cloud. That way, Mom has access to her photos, videos, newspaper clippings or certificates anytime, anywhere. Whether Mom is at home, at a friend’s house or halfway across the world, she has easy access to all her digital files.
Then there’s the little matter of organizing. Even if you could scan years’ worth of photos, would you have the patience of organizing everything? This is another service Doorstep Digital offers. In addition to super fast scanning, they organize everything so Mom doesn’t have to look through hundreds of photos to find what she’s looking for. Whether she’s looking for a picture of 2012 or 1985, everything is right at her fingertips.
Does Mom have Kodachrome slides and VHS tapes? Chances are she never gets to see them anymore because a slide projector and a VHS machine have gone out of fashion. Doorstep Digital can help. They will scan these dated recordings and scan them so Mom can enjoy them again.
So instead of giving Mom a gift that she may or may not like – Moms are wonderful actors – give her something that she’ll love and be able to enjoy for years to come. Have her photographs scanned, have her slides scanned, have everything scanned that she holds dear but never gets to see anymore because it’s buried in the basement or the attic. Let Doorstep Digital handle the situation and let them scan, scan, scan.
Hiring Doorstep Digital is as easy as can be. Simply send Jack an email at jack@doorstep-digital.com or call him at (713) 337-9397 to set up an appointment. He can answer all your questions about a digital scanning spring cleaning gift certificate for Mother’s Day on May 11, 2014. Your gift certificate can be purchased via credit card over phone or via pay pal.
Not that a digital scanning gift certificate only works for Mothers Day. It’s also a wonderful birthday gift or a gift with a difference for an anniversary or Christmas.
Businesses can also benefit from Doorstep Digital services. Files are easily accessible for authorized employees, while improving security at the same time. The workflow becomes easier and there will be no misplaced files. Digital storage requires no paper, so the organization saves on paper and ink, as well as filing cabinets. Should there be a fire or flood, all files are 100 percent save.